This Fast Pak Mini has a quick release system so you dont have to remove the connecting system from handle bars or where ever you decide to connect it!
Gloves, Lighter, Tape, Co-Band, Bandaids, Roller Gauze, Combined Gauze 5x9, Gauze 3x3, Fauze 3x4 Non Stick, Gauze 2x2 Non Stick, Gauze 2x2, Triangle bandage/Sling, Butterfly Stiches, Alcohol Swabs, Benadryl, Ibprofen, Asprin, Antacid, Pepto Bismol, Burn Cream, Petroleum Jelly, Triple Antibiotic Ointment, Sting Relief, Hydrocortisone, Emergency Blanket, Foam Splint, Tweezers Scissors, Chapstick, Potible Water Tablet